SGGSAng 367Raag AsaMahalla 411 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

Awsw mhlw 4 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw cauQw

aasaa mehalaa 4 ||

Aasaa, Fourth Mehl:

nwmu suxI nwmo min BwvY ]

naam sunee naamo man bhaavai ||

I listen to the Naam, the Name of the Lord; the Naam is pleasing to my mind.

vfY Bwig gurmuiK hir pwvY ]1]

vaddai bhaag guramukh har paavai ||1||

By great good fortune, the Gurmukh obtains the Lord. ||1||

nwmu jphu gurmuiK prgwsw ]

naam japahu guramukh paragaasaa ||

Chant the Naam, as Gurmukh, and be exalted.

nwm ibnw mY Dr nhI kweI nwmu rivAw sB sws igrwsw ]1] rhwau ]

naam binaa mai dhhar nehee kaaee naam raviaa sabh saas giraasaa ||1|| rehaao ||

Without the Naam, I have no other support; the Naam is woven into all my breaths and morsels of food. ||1||Pause||

nwmY suriq sunI min BweI ]

naamai surath sunee man bhaaee ||

The Naam illuminates my mind; listening to it, my mind is pleased.

jo nwmu sunwvY so myrw mIqu sKweI ]2]

jo naam sunaavai so maeraa meeth sakhaaee ||2||

One who speaks the Naam - he alone is my friend and companion. ||2||

nwmhIx gey mUV nµgw ]

naameheen geae moorr nangaa ||

Without the Naam, the fools depart naked.

pic pic muey ibKu dyiK pqµgw ]3]

aucwrx muey: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: mUey, moey)

pach pach mueae bikh dhaekh pathangaa ||3||

They burn away to death, chasing the poison of Maya, like the moth chasing the flame. ||3||

Awpy Qwpy Qwip auQwpy ]

aapae thhaapae thhaap outhhaapae ||

He Himself establishes, and, having established, disestablishes.

nwnk nwmu dyvY hir Awpy ]4]6]58]

naanak naam dhaevai har aapae ||4||6||58||

O Nanak, the Lord Himself bestows the Naam. ||4||6||58||