Bhai Gurdas JiAng 27Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 277 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

20: gur syvw Pl

Fruit of Guru-service

gur syvw dw Plu Gxw ikin kImiq hoeI ]

gur sayvaa daa phalu ghanaa kini keemati hoee.

Immense is the fruit of the service to the Guru; who can understand its worth.

rMg surMgu Acrju hY vyKwlY soeI ]

rangu surangu acharaju hai vaykhaalay soee.

From among the wondrous shades (of life) it makes one see the most wonderful one.

swdu vfw ivsmwdu hY rsu guMgy goeI ]

saadu vadaa visamaadu hai rasu goungay goee.

The taste of the service is as awesome as the sweet is to the dumb person.

auqBuj vwsu invwsu hY kir clqu smoeI ]

outabhuj vaasu nivaasu hai kari chalatu samoee.

It is a great feat (of God) that the fragrance is there in the trees.

qolu Aqolu Amolu hY jrY Ajru koeI ]

tolu atolu amolu hai jarai ajaru koee.

The service is invaluable and incomparable; any rare endures this unendurable faculty.

pIr murIdW iprhVI jwxY jwxoeI ]20]

peer mureedaan piraharhee jaanai jaanoee ||20||

Only God, the omniscient knows the mystery of the service.