Bhai Gurdas JiAng 27Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 277 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

19: murId dI syvw dw rUp

Nature of service by the disciples

pYrI pY pwKwk hoie Cif mxI mnUrI ]

pairee pai paa khaak hoi chhadi manee manooree.

The Sikh of the Guru, falling at the feet (of Guru) forswears his ego and desires of mind.

pwxI pKw pIhxw inq krY mjUrI ]

paanee pakhaa peehanaa nit karai majooree.

He fetches water, fans the congregation, grinds flour (for latigar) and does all manual jobs.

qRpV JwiV ivCwieMdw cuil Joik n JUrI ]

traparh jhaarhi vichhaaindaa chuli jhoki n jhooree.

He cleanses and spreads the sheets and gets not dejected while putting fire in the hearth.

murdy vWig murIdu hoie kir isdk sbUrI ]

muraday vaangi mureedu hoi kari sidak sabooree.

He adopts the contentment like a dead person does.

cMdnu hovY isMmlhu Plu vwsu hjUrI ]

chandanu hovai sinmalahu phalu vaasu hajooree.

He gets such a fruit of living near the Guru, as the silk-cotton tree gets by being near the sandal tree i.e. it also becomes fragrant.

pIr murIdW iprhVI gurmuiK miq pUrI ]19]

peer mureedaan piraharhee guramoukhi mati pooree ||19||

The Sikhs loving the Guru make their wisdom complete.