pauVI ]
pourree ||
vfy kIAw vifAweIAw ikCu khxw khxu n jwie ]
aucwrx vifAweIAw: ibMdI rihq bolo
vaddae keeaa vaddiaaeeaa kishh kehanaa kehan n jaae ||
The description of the greatness of the Great Lord cannot be described.
so krqw kwdr krImu dy jIAw irjku sµbwih ]
so karathaa kaadhar kareem dhae jeeaa rijak sanbaahi ||
He is the Creator, all-lowerful and benevolent; He gives sustenance to all beings.
sweI kwr kmwvxI Duir CofI iqMnY pwie ]
aucwrx sweI: ibMdI rihq bolo
saaee kaar kamaavanee dhhur shhoddee thinnai paae ||
The mortal does that work, which has been pre-destined from the very beginning.
nwnk eykI bwhrI hor dUjI nwhI jwie ]
naanak eaekee baaharee hor dhoojee naahee jaae ||
O Nanak, except for the One Lord, there is no other place at all.
so kry ij iqsY rjwie ]24]1] suDu ]
aucwrx rjwie: polw bolo; suDu bolnw hY
so karae j thisai rajaae ||24||1|| sudhhu
He does whatever He wills. ||24||1|| Sudh||