<> siqnwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBµ gurpRswid ]
aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr; sYBµ: it`pI iv`c rhxw
ik oankaar sathinaam karathaa purakh nirabho niravair akaal moorath ajoonee saibhan guraprasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified. No Fear. No Hatred. Image Of The Undying. Beyond Birth. Self-Existent. By Guru's Grace:
rwgu Awsw bwxI Bgqw kI ]
raag aasaa baanee bhagathaa kee ||
Raag Aasaa, The Word Of The Devotees:
kbIr jIau nwmdyau jIau rivdws jIau ]
aucwrx rivdws: 'iv' ishwrI iv`c rhxw (ASuD: rvIdws)
kabeer jeeo naamadhaeo jeeo ravidhaas jeeo ||
Kabeer, Naam Dayv And Ravi Daas.
Awsw sRI kbIr jIau ]
aasaa sree kabeer jeeo ||
Aasaa, Kabeer Jee:
gur crx lwig hm ibnvqw pUCq kh jIau pwieAw ]
aucwrx ibn-vqw
gur charan laag ham binavathaa pooshhath keh jeeo paaeiaa ||
Falling at the Feet of the Guru, I pray, and ask Him, “Why was man created?
kvn kwij jgu aupjY ibnsY khhu moih smJwieAw ]1]
kavan kaaj jag oupajai binasai kehahu mohi samajhaaeiaa ||1||
What deeds cause the world to come into being, and be destroyed? Tell me, that I may understand.”||1||
dyv krhu dieAw moih mwrig lwvhu ijqu BY bµDn qUtY ]
dhaev karahu dhaeiaa mohi maarag laavahu jith bhai bandhhan thoottai ||
O Divine Guru, please, show Mercy to me, and place me on the right path, by which the bonds of fear may be cut away.
jnm mrn duK PyV krm suK jIA jnm qy CUtY ]1] rhwau ]
janam maran dhukh faerr karam sukh jeea janam thae shhoottai ||1|| rehaao ||
The pains of birth and death come from past actions and karma; peace comes when the soul finds release from reincarnation. ||1||Pause||
mwieAw Pws bMD nhI PwrY Aru mn suµin n lUky ]
maaeiaa faas bandhh nehee faarai ar man sunn n lookae ||
The mortal does not break free from the bonds of the noose of Maya, and he does not seek the shelter of the profound, absolute Lord.
Awpw pdu inrbwxu n cIin@Aw ien ibiD AiBau n cUky ]2]
aucwrx A-iBau
aapaa padh nirabaan n cheenihaaa ein bidhh abhio n chookae ||2||
He does not realize the dignity of the self, and Nirvaanaa; because of this, his doubt does not depart. ||2||
khI n aupjY aupjI jwxY Bwv ABwv ibhUxw ]
aucwrx A-Bwv
kehee n oupajai oupajee jaanai bhaav abhaav bihoonaa ||
The soul is not born, even though he thinks it is born; it is free from birth and death.
audY Asq kI mn buiD nwsI qau sdw shij ilv lIxw ]3]
aucwrx Asq: polw bolo (ASuD: As`q)
oudhai asath kee man budhh naasee tho sadhaa sehaj liv leenaa ||3||
When the mortal gives up his ideas of birth and death, he remains constantly absorbed in the Lord's Love. ||3||
ijau pRiqibMbu ibMb kau imlI hY audk kuµBu ibgrwnw ]
jio prathibinb binb ko milee hai oudhak kunbh bigaraanaa ||
As the reflection of an object blends in the water when the pitcher is broken,
khu kbIr AYsw gux BRmu Bwgw qau mnu suµin smwnW ]4]1]
kahu kabeer aisaa gun bhram bhaagaa tho man sunn samaanaan ||4||1||
Says Kabeer, just so virtue dispels doubt, and then the soul is absorbed in the profound, absolute Lord. ||4||1||