BYrau mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx BYrau mh`lw pMjvw
bhairo mehalaa 5 ||
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:
sMq kI inMdw jonI Bvnw ]
santh kee nindhaa jonee bhavanaa ||
Slandering the Saints, the mortal wanders in reincarnation.
sMq kI inMdw rogI krnw ]
santh kee nindhaa rogee karanaa ||
Slandering the Saints, he is diseased.
sMq kI inMdw dUK shwm ]
santh kee nindhaa dhookh sehaam ||
Slandering the Saints, he suffers in pain.
fwnu dYq inMdk kau jwm ]1]
aucwrx dYq: ibMdI rihq bolo
ddaan dhaith nindhak ko jaam ||1||
The slanderer is punished by the Messenger of Death. ||1||
sMq sµig krih jo bwdu ]
santhasang karehi jo baadh ||
Those who argue and fight with the Saints
iqn inMdk nwhI ikCu swdu ]1] rhwau ]
thin nindhak naahee kishh saadh ||1|| rehaao ||
- those slanderers find no happiness at all. ||1||Pause||
Bgq kI inMdw kMDu CydwvY ]
bhagath kee nindhaa kandhh shhaedhaavai ||
Slandering the devotees, the wall of the mortal's body is shattered.
Bgq kI inMdw nrku BuµcwvY ]
bhagath kee nindhaa narak bhunchaavai ||
Slandering the devotees, he suffers in hell.
Bgq kI inMdw grB mih glY ]
aucwrx glY: polw bolo
bhagath kee nindhaa garabh mehi galai ||
Slandering the devotees, he rots in the womb.
Bgq kI inMdw rwj qy tlY ]2]
aucwrx tlY: polw bolo
bhagath kee nindhaa raaj thae ttalai ||2||
Slandering the devotees, he loses his realm and power. ||2||
inMdk kI giq kqhU nwih ]
nindhak kee gath kathehoo naahi ||
The slanderer finds no salvation at all.
Awip bIij Awpy hI Kwih ]
aap beej aapae hee khaahi ||
He eats only that which he himself has planted.
cor jwr jUAwr qy burw ]
chor jaar jooaar thae buraa ||
He is worse than a thief, a lecher, or a gambler.
Axhodw Bwru inMdik isir Drw ]3]
anehodhaa bhaar nindhak sir dhharaa ||3||
The slanderer places an unbearable burden upon his head. ||3||
pwrbRhm ky Bgq inrvYr ]
aucwrx pwr-bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
paarabreham kae bhagath niravair ||
The devotees of the Supreme Lord God are beyond hate and vengeance.
so insqrY jo pUjY pYr ]
so nisatharai jo poojai pair ||
Whoever worships their feet is emancipated.
Awid puriK inMdku BolwieAw ]
aadh purakh nindhak bholaaeiaa ||
The Primal Lord God has deluded and confused the slanderer.
nwnk ikrqu n jwie imtwieAw ]4]21]34]
naanak kirath n jaae mittaaeiaa ||4||21||34||
O Nanak, the record of one's past actions cannot be erased. ||4||21||34||