BYrau mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx BYrau mh`lw pMjvw
bhairo mehalaa 5 ||
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:
rovnhwrI roju bnwieAw ]
rovanehaaree roj banaaeiaa ||
The whiner whines every day.
bln brqn kau snbµDu iciq AwieAw ]
balan barathan ko sanabandhh chith aaeiaa ||
His attachment to his household and entanglements cloud his mind.
bUiJ bYrwgu kry jy koie ]
aucwrx bU`iJ
boojh bairaag karae jae koe ||
If someone becomes detached through understanding,
jnm mrx iPir sogu n hoie ]1]
janam maran fir sog n hoe ||1||
He will not have to suffer in birth and death again. ||1||
ibiKAw kw sBu DMDu pswru ]
bikhiaa kaa sabh dhhandhh pasaar ||
All of his conflicts are extensions of his corruption.
ivrlY kIno nwm ADwru ]1] rhwau ]
viralai keeno naam adhhaar ||1|| rehaao ||
How rare is that person who takes the Naam as his Support. ||1||Pause||
iqRibiD mwieAw rhI ibAwip ]
thribidhh maaeiaa rehee biaap ||
The three-phased Maya infects all.
jo lptwno iqsu dUK sµqwp ]
jo lapattaano this dhookh santhaap ||
Whoever clings to it suffers pain and sorrow.
suKu nwhI ibnu nwm iDAwey ]
sukh naahee bin naam dhhiaaeae ||
There is no peace without meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
nwm inDwnu bfBwgI pwey ]2]
naam nidhhaan baddabhaagee paaeae ||2||
By great good fortune, the treasure of the Naam is received. ||2||
sÍWgI isau jo mnu rIJwvY ]
aucwrx sÍWgI: suAWgI bolo
svaangee sio jo man reejhaavai ||
One who loves the actor in his mind,
sÍwig auqwirAY iPir pCuqwvY ]
aucwrx sÍwig: suAWig bolo
svaag outhaariai fir pashhuthaavai ||
Later regrets it when the actor takes off his costume.
myG kI CwieAw jYsy brqnhwr ]
maegh kee shhaaeiaa jaisae barathanehaar ||
The shade from a cloud is transitory,
qYso prpMcu moh ibkwr ]3]
thaiso parapanch moh bikaar ||3||
Like the worldly paraphernalia of attachment and corruption. ||3||
eyk vsqu jy pwvY koie ]
eaek vasath jae paavai koe ||
If someone is blessed with the singular substance,
pUrn kwju qwhI kw hoie ]
pooran kaaj thaahee kaa hoe ||
Then all of his tasks are accomplished to perfection.
gurpRswid ijin pwieAw nwmu ]
gur prasaadh jin paaeiaa naam ||
One who obtains the Naam, by Guru's Grace
nwnk AwieAw so prvwnu ]4]20]33]
naanak aaeiaa so paravaan ||4||20||33||
- O Nanak, his coming into the world is certified and approved. ||4||20||33||