Bhai Nand Laal JiAng 1Divaan-e-Goya (Ghazals)Divaan-e-Goya (Ghazals)10 linesBhai Nand Lal Ji

hmw rw sInw ibrIAwnsqo ibrIAwnsqo ibrIAwnS

hamaa raa seenaa bireeaanasatho bireeaanasatho bireeaanasha

Hearts of everyone in deep love are scorched and charred,

do Awlm bihir AW dIdwr hYrWsqo hYrwnS ] 41 ] 1 ]

dho aalam behir aan dheedhaar hairaanasatho hairaanash || 41 || 1 ||

Both the worlds are amazed and even desperately restless for his glimpse. (41) (1)

iz ^wik kUie qU kW surmwie Aihil nzr bwSd

z khaak kooe thoo kaan suramaae ahil nazar baashadha

The dust of your street is like a collyrium for the eyes of those with divine sight,

nmI bwSd ielwjy ibh brwie cSim igrIAwnS ] 41 ] 2 ]

namee baashadh eilaajae bih baraae chasham gireeaanash || 41 || 2 ||

And for the tearful eyes, there is no other better cure than this. (41) (2)

mho ^urSId igrid kUie aU grdMd rUjO Sb

meho khurasheedh giradh kooe oo garadhandh roojaau shaba

Both the moon and the sun keep circling around His (God/Guru) abode night and day,

Ajwieb rOSnI b^iS do-Awlm hsq AihswnS ] 41 ] 3 ]

ajaaeib raauashanee bakhash dho-aalam hasath ahisaanash || 41 || 3 ||

It is His blessing that He has bestowed them the capability of providing light to both the worlds. (41) (3)

b-hr sUie ik mI bInm jmwlS jlvwgr bwSd

ba-har sooe k mee beenam jamaalash jalavaagar baashadha

Wherever I see, I find His comeliness and splendor all over.

jhW AwSu&qw E SYdw mdwm Az zuliP pihcwnS ] 41 ] 4 ]

jehaan aashufathaa ou shaidhaa madhaam az zulaf pehichaanash || 41 || 4 ||

The whole world is anxious and daft because of His curly lock of hair. (41) (4)

Sudw jyib zmIN pur lUlUie lwlw iz ASik mn

shudhaa jaeb zameen pur loolooe laalaa z ashak mana

Goyaa says, The pockets of the earth are filled with the pearls like tears from my eyes.

jhW ibigR&qw Am goXw b Xwid lwAil ^Mdwnk ] 41 ] 5 ]

jehaan bigrifathaa am goyaa b yaadh laaal khandhaanak || 41 || 5 ||

I have captured the whole world when I remembered the smile from his red lips. (41) (5)