SGGSAng 1241Raag SarangSarang Ki Vaar Mahalla 49 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx mh`lw pihlw

mehalaa 1 ||

First Mehl:

sBy surqI jog siB sBy byd purwx ]

aucwrx s`By; s`By

sabhae surathee jog sabh sabhae baedh puraan ||

All intuitive understanding, all Yoga, all the Vedas and Puraanas.

sBy krxy qp siB sBy gIq igAwn ]

aucwrx s`By; s`By

sabhae karanae thap sabh sabhae geeth giaan ||

All actions, all penances, all songs and spiritual wisdom.

sBy buDI suiD siB siB qIrQ siB Qwn ]

aucwrx s`By; s`By

sabhae budhhee sudhh sabh sabh theerathh sabh thhaan ||

All intellect, all enlightenment, all sacred shrines of pilgrimage.

siB pwiqswhIAw Amr siB siB KusIAw siB Kwn ]

aucwrx Amr: polw bolo (ASuD: A-mr)

sabh paathisaaheeaa amar sabh sabh khuseeaa sabh khaan ||

All kingdoms, all royal commands, all joys and all delicacies.

sBy mwxs dyv siB sBy jog iDAwn ]

aucwrx s`By; s`By

sabhae maanas dhaev sabh sabhae jog dhhiaan ||

All mankind, all divinites, all Yoga and meditation.

sBy purIAw KMf siB sBy jIA jhwn ]

aucwrx s`By; s`By

sabhae pureeaa khandd sabh sabhae jeea jehaan ||

All worlds, all celestial realms; all the beings of the universe.

hukim clwey AwpxY krmI vhY klwm ]

hukam chalaaeae aapanai karamee vehai kalaam ||

According to His Hukam, He commands them. His Pen writes out the account of their actions.

nwnk scw sic nwie scu sBw dIbwnu ]2]

aucwrx sBw: polw bolo

naanak sachaa sach naae sach sabhaa dheebaan ||2||

O Nanak, True is the Lord, and True is His Name. True is His Congregation and His Court. ||2||