BYrau mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx BYrau mh`lw pMjvw
bhairo mehalaa 5 ||
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:
Apxy dws kau kµiT lgwvY ]
apanae dhaas ko kanth lagaavai ||
God hugs His slave close in His Embrace.
inMdk kau Agin mih pwvY ]1]
nindhak ko agan mehi paavai ||1||
He throws the slanderer into the fire. ||1||
pwpI qy rwKy nwrwiex ]
paapee thae raakhae naaraaein ||
The Lord saves His servants from the sinners.
pwpI kI giq kqhU nwhI pwpI picAw Awp kmwiex ]1] rhwau ]
paapee kee gath kathehoo naahee paapee pachiaa aap kamaaein ||1|| rehaao ||
No one can save the sinner. The sinner is destroyed by his own actions. ||1||Pause||
dws rwm jIau lwgI pRIiq ]
dhaas raam jeeo laagee preeth ||
The Lord's slave is in love with the Dear Lord.
inMdk kI hoeI ibprIiq ]2]
aucwrx ibp-rIiq
nindhak kee hoee bipareeth ||2||
The slanderer loves something else. ||2||
pwrbRhim Apxw ibrdu pRgtwieAw ]
aucwrx pwr-bRhim: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
paarabreham apanaa biradh pragattaaeiaa ||
The Supreme Lord God has revealed His Innate Nature.
doKI Apxw kIqw pwieAw ]3]
dhokhee apanaa keethaa paaeiaa ||3||
The evil-doer obtains the fruits of his own actions. ||3||
Awie n jweI rihAw smweI ]
aae n jaaee rehiaa samaaee ||
God does not come or go; He is All-pervading and permeating.
nwnk dws hir kI srxweI ]4]13]
naanak dhaas har kee saranaaee ||4||13||
Slave Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of the Lord. ||4||13||