SGGSAng 1241Raag SarangSarang Ki Vaar Mahalla 48 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

slok mÚ 1 ]

aucwrx slok mh`lw pihlw

salok ma 1 ||

Shalok, First Mehl:

sBy rwqI siB idh siB iQqI siB vwr ]

aucwrx s`By

sabhae raathee sabh dhih sabh thhithee sabh vaar ||

All nights, all days, all dates, all days of the week;

sBy ruqI mwh siB siB DrqˆØI siB Bwr ]

aucwrx s`By; ru`qI

sabhae ruthee maah sabh sabh dhharathanaee sabh bhaar ||

All seasons, all months, all the earth and everything on it.

sBy pwxI paux siB siB AgnI pwqwl ]

aucwrx s`By

sabhae paanee poun sabh sabh aganee paathaal ||

All waters, all winds, all fires and underworlds.

sBy purIAw KMf siB siB loA loA Awkwr ]

aucwrx s`By

sabhae pureeaa khandd sabh sabh loa loa aakaar ||

All solar systems and galaxies, all worlds, people and forms.

hukmu n jwpI kyqVw kih n skIjY kwr ]

hukam n jaapee kaetharraa kehi n sakeejai kaar ||

No one knows how great the Hukam of His Command is; no one can describe His actions.

AwKih Qkih AwiK AwiK kir isPqˆØI vIcwr ]

aakhehi thhakehi aakh aakh kar sifathanaee veechaar ||

Mortals may utter, chant, recite and contemplate His Praises until they grow weary.

iqRxu n pwieE bpuVI nwnku khY gvwr ]1]

thrin n paaeiou bapurree naanak kehai gavaar ||1||

The poor fools, O Nanak, cannot find even a tiny bit of the Lord. ||1||