SGGSAng 1241Raag SarangSarang Ki Vaar Mahalla 48 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

1 ]

aucwrx mh`lw pihlw

ma 1 ||

First Mehl:

AKˆØI prxY jy iPrW dyKW sBu Awkwru ]

akhanaee paranai jae firaan dhaekhaan sabh aakaar ||

If I were to walk around with my eyes wide open, gazing at all the created forms;

puCw igAwnI pMifqW puCw byd bIcwr ]

pushhaa giaanee panddithaan pushhaa baedh beechaar ||

I could ask the spiritual teachers and religious scholars, and those who contemplate the Vedas;

puCw dyvW mwxsW joD krih Avqwr ]

pushhaa dhaevaan maanasaan jodhh karehi avathaar ||

I could ask the gods, mortal men, warriors and divine incarnations;

isD smwDI siB suxI jwie dyKW drbwru ]

aucwrx is`D

sidhh samaadhhee sabh sunee jaae dhaekhaan dharabaar ||

I could consult all the Siddhas in Samaadhi, and go to see the Lord's Court.

AgY scw sic nwie inrBau BY ivxu swru ]

agai sachaa sach naae nirabho bhai vin saar ||

Hereafter, Truth is the Name of all; the Fearless Lord has no fear at all.

hor kcI mqI kcu ipcu AMiDAw AMDu bIcwru ]

aucwrx m`qI

hor kachee mathee kach pich andhhiaa andhh beechaar ||

False are other intellectualisms, false and shallow; blind are the contemplations of the blind.

nwnk krmI bMdgI ndir lµGwey pwir ]2]

naanak karamee bandhagee nadhar langhaaeae paar ||2||

O Nanak, by the karma of good actions, the mortal comes to meditate on the Lord; by His Grace, we are carried across. ||2||