SGGSAng 1092Raag MaruMaru Vaar Mahalla 33 linesGuru Amar Das Ji
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aucwrx mh`lw qIjw
ma 3 ||
Third Mehl:
gux Avgux smwin hih ij Awip kIqy krqwir ]
gun avagun samaan hehi j aap keethae karathaar ||
Merits and demerits are the same; they are both created by the Creator.
nwnk hukim mMinAY suKu pweIAY gur sbdI vIcwir ]2]
naanak hukam manniai sukh paaeeai gur sabadhee veechaar ||2||
O Nanak, one who obeys the Hukam of the Lord's Command, finds peace, contemplating the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||2||