SGGSAng 1092Raag MaruMaru Vaar Mahalla 36 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

pauVI ]

pourree ||


AMdir rwjw qKqu hY Awpy kry inAwau ]

andhar raajaa thakhath hai aapae karae niaao ||

The King sits on the throne within the self; He Himself administers justice.

gur sbdI dru jwxIAY AMdir mhlu Asrwau ]

gur sabadhee dhar jaaneeai andhar mehal asaraao ||

Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the Lord's Court is known; within the self is the Sanctuary, the Mansion of the Lord's Presence.

Kry priK KjwnY pweIAin KoitAw nwhI Qwau ]

kharae parakh khajaanai paaeean khottiaa naahee thhaao ||

The coins are assayed, and the genuine coins are placed in His treasury, while the counterfeit ones find no place.

sBu sco scu vrqdw sdw scu inAwau ]

sabh sacho sach varathadhaa sadhaa sach niaao ||

The Truest of the True is all-pervading; His justice is forever True.

AMimRq kw rsu AwieAw min visAw nwau ]18]

anmrith kaa ras aaeiaa man vasiaa naao ||18||

One comes to enjoy the Ambrosial essence, when the Name is enshrined in the mind. ||18||