SGGSAng 352Raag AsaMahalla 119 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw

aasaa mehalaa 1 ||

Aasaa, First Mehl:

jo iqin kIAw so scu QIAw ]

jo thin keeaa so sach thheeaa ||

Whatever He has done, has proved to be true.

AMimRq nwmu siqguir dIAw ]

anmrith naam sathigur dheeaa ||

The True Guru bestows the Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord.

ihrdY nwmu nwhI min BMgu ]

hiradhai naam naahee man bhang ||

With the Naam in the heart, the mind is not separated from the Lord.

Anidnu nwil ipAwry sMgu ]1]

anadhin naal piaarae sang ||1||

Night and day, one dwells with the Beloved. ||1||

hir jIau rwKhu ApnI srxweI ]

har jeeo raakhahu apanee saranaaee ||

O Lord, please keep me in the Protection of Your Sanctuary.

gurprswdI hir rsu pwieAw nwmu pdwrQu nauiniD pweI ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx nau-in`iD

gur parasaadhee har ras paaeiaa naam padhaarathh no nidhh paaee ||1|| rehaao ||

By Guru's Grace, I have obtained the sublime essence of the Lord; I have received the wealth of the Naam and the nine treasures. ||1||Pause||

krm Drm scu swcw nwau ]

karam dhharam sach saachaa naao ||

Those whose karma and Dharma - whose actions and faith - are in the True Name of the True Lord

qw kY sd bilhwrY jwau ]

thaa kai sadh balihaarai jaao ||

I am forever a sacrifice to them.

jo hir rwqy sy jn prvwxu ]

aucwrx rwqy: Bwrw krky bolo

jo har raathae sae jan paravaan ||

Those who are imbued with the Lord are accepted and respected.

iqn kI sµgiq prm inDwnu ]2]

thin kee sangath param nidhhaan ||2||

In their company, the supreme wealth is obtained. ||2||

hir vru ijin pwieAw Dn nwrI ]

har var jin paaeiaa dhhan naaree ||

Blessed is that bride, who has obtained the Lord as her Husband.

hir isau rwqI sbdu vIcwrI ]

aucwrx rwqI: Bwrw krky bolo

har sio raathee sabadh veechaaree ||

She is imbued with the Lord, and she reflects upon the Word of His Shabad.

Awip qrY sµgiq kul qwrY ]

aap tharai sangath kul thaarai ||

She saves herself, and saves her family and friends as well.

siqguru syiv qqu vIcwrY ]3]

sathigur saev thath veechaarai ||3||

She serves the True Guru, and contemplates the essence of reality. ||3||

hmrI jwiq piq scu nwau ]

hamaree jaath path sach naao ||

The True Name is my social status and honor.

krm Drm sMjmu sqBwau ]

aucwrx sq-Bwau: 'B' dI ApnI Avwj

karam dhharam sanjam sath bhaao ||

The love of the Truth is my karma and Dharma - my faith and my actions, and my self-control.

nwnk bKsy pUC n hoie ]

naanak bakhasae pooshh n hoe ||

O Nanak, one who is forgiven by the Lord is not called to account.

dUjw myty eyko soie ]4]14]

dhoojaa maettae eaeko soe ||4||14||

The One Lord erases duality. ||4||14||