SGGSAng 352Raag AsaMahalla 119 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw

aasaa mehalaa 1 ||

Aasaa, First Mehl:

gurmiq swcI hujiq dUir ]

guramath saachee hujath dhoor ||

Receiving the True Teachings from the Guru, arguments depart.

bhuqu isAwxp lwgY DUir ]

bahuth siaanap laagai dhhoor ||

But through excessive cleverness, one is only plastered with dirt.

lwgI mYlu imtY sc nwie ]

laagee mail mittai sach naae ||

The filth of attachment is removed by the True Name of the Lord.

gurprswid rhY ilv lwie ]1]

gur parasaadh rehai liv laae ||1||

By Guru's Grace, one remains lovingly attached to the Lord. ||1||

hY hjUir hwjru Ardwis ]

hai hajoor haajar aradhaas ||

He is the Presence Ever-present; offer your prayers to Him.

duKu suKu swcu krqy pRB pwis ]1] rhwau ]

dhukh sukh saach karathae prabh paas ||1|| rehaao ||

Pain and pleasure are in the Hands of God, the True Creator. ||1||Pause||

kUVu kmwvY AwvY jwvY ]

koorr kamaavai aavai jaavai ||

One who practices falsehood comes and goes.

khix kQin vwrw nhI AwvY ]

kehan kathhan vaaraa nehee aavai ||

By speaking and talking, His limits cannot be found.

ikAw dyKw sUJ bUJ n pwvY ]

aucwrx sU`J; bU`J

kiaa dhaekhaa soojh boojh n paavai ||

Whatever one sees, is not understood.

ibnu nwvY min iqRpiq n AwvY ]2]

bin naavai man thripath n aavai ||2||

Without the Name, satisfaction does not enter into the mind. ||2||

jo jnmy sy roig ivAwpy ]

jo janamae sae rog viaapae ||

Whoever is born is afflicted by disease,

haumY mwieAw dUiK sµqwpy ]

houmai maaeiaa dhookh santhaapae ||

Tortured by the pain of egotism and Maya.

sy jn bWcy jo pRiB rwKy ]

sae jan baachae jo prabh raakhae ||

They alone are saved, who are protected by God.

siqguru syiv AMimRq rsu cwKy ]3]

sathigur saev anmrith ras chaakhae ||3||

Serving the True Guru, they drink in the Amrit, the Ambrosial Nectar. ||3||

clqau mnu rwKY AMimRqu cwKY ]

chalatho man raakhai anmrith chaakhai ||

The unstable mind is restrained by tasting this Nectar.

siqgur syiv AMimRq sbdu BwKY ]

sathigur saev anmrith sabadh bhaakhai ||

Serving the True Guru, one comes to cherish the Ambrosial Nectar of the Shabad.

swcY sbid mukiq giq pwey ]

saachai sabadh mukath gath paaeae ||

Through the True Word of the Shabad, the state of liberation is obtained.

nwnk ivchu Awpu gvwey ]4]13]

naanak vichahu aap gavaaeae ||4||13||

O Nanak, self-conceit is eradicated from within. ||4||13||