Bhai Gurdas JiAng 12Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 128 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

8: ds AvqwrW dy krq`v´

Feats of the ten incarnations

ibsn ley Avqwr ds vYr ivroD joD sMGwry ]

bisan laay avataar das vair virodh jodh sanghaaray.

Visnu incarnated ten times and decimated his opposing warriors.

mC kC vYrwh rUp hoie nrisMG bwvn bauDwry ]

machh kachh vairaah roopi hoi narasinghu baavan baudhaaray.

The incarnations in the forms of fish, tortoise, swine, man-lion, dwarf and Buddha etc. have happened.

prsrwmu rwmu iksnu hoie klik klMkI Aiq AhMkwry ]

parasaraamu raamu kisanu hoi kilaki kalakee ati ahankaaray.

Parsu Ram, Ram, Kisan and very much proud incarnation of Kalki have flourished.

KqRI mwir iekIh vwr rwmwiex kir BwrQ Bwry ]

khatree maari ikeeh vaar raamaain kari bhaarad bhaaray.

Ram was hero of Ramayan, and kisan was all in the mahabharat.

kwm kroDu n swiDE loBu moh AhMkwru n mwry ]

kaam karodhu n saadhiao lobhu moh ahankaaru n maaray.

But the lust and anger were not sublimited and greed, infatuation and ego were not eschewed.

siqgur purKu n ByitAw swDsMgiq shlMg n swry ]

satigur purakhu n bhaytiaa saadhasangati sahalag n saaray.

None remembered the true Guru (God) and nobody benefited himself in the holy congregation.

haumY AMdir kwir ivkwry ]8]

haoumai andari kaari vikaaray ||8||

All acted arrogantly being full of evil propensities.