7: bRhmw dI krqUq
Mischief of Brahma
bRhmw vfw AKwiedw nwiB kvl dI nwil smwxw ]
brahamaa vadaa akhaaidaa naabhi kaval dee naali samaanaa.
Calling himself great, Brahma entered into the naval lotus (Of Visnu to know its end).
Awvw gvxu Anyk jug EVk ivic hoAw hYrwxw ]
aavaa gavanu anayk jag aorhak vichi hoaa hairaanaa.
For many ages he wandered in the cycle of transmigration and ultimately become dumbfounded.
EVku kIqosu Awpxw Awp gxwieAY Brim Bulwxw ]
aorhaku keetosu aapanaa aap ganaaiai bharami bhulaanaa.
He left no stone unturned but remained misguided in his own so-called greatness.
cwry byd vKwxdw cqurmuKI hoie Krw isAwxw ]
chaaray vayd vakhaanadaa chaturamoukhee hoi kharaa siaanaa.
He becoming four-headed and wise would recite the four Vedas.
lokW no smJwiedw dyiK sursqI rUp loBwxw ]
lokaan no samajhaaidaa vaykhi surasatee roop lobhaanaa.
He would make people understand many things but seeing the beauty of his own daughter, Sarasvati, became enamoured.
cwry byd gvwie kY grbu grUrI kir pCuqwxw ]
chaaray vayd gavaai kai garabu garooree kari pachhoutaanaa.
He made his knowledge of the four Vedas futile. Proud as he became, he had to repent eventually.
AkQ kQw nyq nyq vKwxw ]7]
akad kadaa nayt nayt vakhaanaa ||7||
In fact the Lord is ineffable; in Vedas also He is also described as neti neti, (not this, not this).