SGGSAng 481Raag AsaSri Kabir Jio10 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

bweIs caupdy qQw pMcpdy Awsw sRI kbIr jIau ky iqpdy 8 duquky 7 iek qukw 1

aucwrx bweIs cau-pdy qQw pMc-pdy Awsw sRI kbIr jIau ky iq-dy AT du-quky s`q iek-qukw iek bolo

baaees choupadhae thathhaa panchapadhae aasaa sree kabeer jeeo kae thipadhae 8 dhuthukae 7 eikathukaa 1

22 Chau-Padas And Panch-Padas, Aasaa Of Kabeer Jee, 8 Tri-Padas, 7 Du-Tukas, 1 Ik-Tuka:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

ibMdu qy ijin ipMfu kIAw Agin kuµf rhwieAw ]

bindh thae jin pindd keeaa agan kundd rehaaeiaa ||

The Lord created the body from sperm, and protected it in the fire pit.

ds mws mwqw audir rwiKAw bhuir lwgI mwieAw ]1]

aucwrx d`s

dhas maas maathaa oudhar raakhiaa bahur laagee maaeiaa ||1||

For ten months He preserved you in your mother's womb, and then, after you were born, you became attached to Maya. ||1||

pRwnI kwhy kau loiB lwgy rqn jnmu KoieAw ]

praanee kaahae ko lobh laagae rathan janam khoeiaa ||

O mortal, why have you attached yourself to greed, and lost the jewel of life?

pUrb jnim krm BUim bIju nwhI boieAw ]1] rhwau ]

poorab janam karam bhoom beej naahee boeiaa ||1|| rehaao ||

You did not plant the seeds of good actions in the earth of your past lives. ||1||Pause||

bwirk qy ibriD BieAw honw so hoieAw ]

baarik thae biradhh bhaeiaa honaa so hoeiaa ||

From an infant, you have grown old. That which was to happen, has happened.

jw jmu Awie Jot pkrY qbih kwhy roieAw ]2]

jaa jam aae jhott pakarai thabehi kaahae roeiaa ||2||

When the Messenger of Death comes and grabs you by your hair, why do you cry out then? ||2||

jIvnY kI Aws krih jmu inhwrY swsw ]

jeevanai kee aas karehi jam nihaarai saasaa ||

You hope for long life, while Death counts your breaths.

bwjIgrI sMswru kbIrw cyiq Fwil pwsw ]3]1]23]

baajeegaree sansaar kabeeraa chaeth dtaal paasaa ||3||1||23||

The world is a game, O Kabeer, so throw the dice consciously. ||3||1||23||