isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx isrIrwgu mh`lw pMjvw
sireeraag mehalaa 5 ||
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:
soeI swsqu sauxu soie ijqu jpIAY hir nwau ]
soee saasath soun soe jith japeeai har naao ||
That is the essence of the scriptures, and that is a good omen, by which one comes to chant the Name of the Lord.
crx kml guir Dnu dIAw imilAw inQwvy Qwau ]
charan kamal gur dhhan dheeaa miliaa nithhaavae thhaao ||
The Guru has given me the Wealth of the Lotus Feet of the Lord, and I, without shelter, have now obtained Shelter.
swcI pUMjI scu sµjmo AwT phr gux gwau ]
saachee poonjee sach sanjamo aath pehar gun gaao ||
The True Capital, and the True Way of Life, comes by chanting His Glories, twenty-four hours a day.
kir ikrpw pRBu ByitAw mrxu n Awvxu jwau ]1]
kar kirapaa prabh bhaettiaa maran n aavan jaao ||1||
Granting His Grace, God meets us, and we no longer die, or come or go in reincarnation. ||1||
myry mn hir Bju sdw iek rµig ]
aucwrx Bju: polw bolo
maerae man har bhaj sadhaa eik rang ||
O my mind, vibrate and meditate forever on the Lord, with single-minded love.
Gt Gt AMqir riv rihAw sdw shweI sµig ]1] rhwau ]
ghatt ghatt anthar rav rehiaa sadhaa sehaaee sang ||1|| rehaao ||
He is contained deep within each and every heart. He is always with you, as your Helper and Support. ||1||Pause||
suKw kI imiq ikAw gxI jw ismrI goivMdu ]
sukhaa kee mith kiaa ganee jaa simaree govindh ||
How can I measure the happiness of meditating on the Lord of the Universe?
ijn cwiKAw sy iqRpqwisAw auh rsu jwxY ijMdu ]
jin chaakhiaa sae thripathaasiaa ouh ras jaanai jindh ||
Those who taste it are satisfied and fulfilled; their souls know this Sublime Essence.
sMqw sµgiq min vsY pRBu pRIqmu bKisMdu ]
santhaa sangath man vasai prabh preetham bakhasindh ||
In the Society of the Saints, God, the Beloved, the Forgiver, comes to dwell within the mind.
ijin syivAw pRBu Awpxw soeI rwj nirMdu ]2]
jin saeviaa prabh aapanaa soee raaj narindh ||2||
One who has served his God is the emperor of kings||2||
Aausir hir jsu gux rmx ijqu koit mjn iesnwnu ]
aucwrx m`jn
aousar har jas gun raman jith kott majan eisanaan ||
This is the time to speak and sing the Praise and the Glory of God, which brings the merit of millions of cleansing and purifying baths.
rsnw aucrY guxvqI koie n pujY dwnu ]
aucwrx pu`jY
rasanaa oucharai gunavathee koe n pujai dhaan ||
The tongue which chants these Praises is worthy; there is no charity equal to this.
idRsit Dwir min qin vsY dieAwl purKu imhrvwnu ]
dhrisatt dhhaar man than vasai dhaeiaal purakh miharavaan ||
Blessing us with His Glance of Grace, the Kind and Compassionate, All-powerful Lord comes to dwell within the mind and body.
jIau ipMfu Dnu iqsdw hau sdw sdw kurbwnu ]3]
jeeo pindd dhhan this dhaa ho sadhaa sadhaa kurabaan ||3||
My soul, body and wealth are His. Forever and ever, I am a sacrifice to Him. ||3||
imilAw kdy n ivCuVY jo myilAw krqwir ]
miliaa kadhae n vishhurrai jo maeliaa karathaar ||
One whom the Creator Lord has met and joined to Himself shall never again be separated.
dwsw ky bµDn kitAw swcY isrjxhwir ]
dhaasaa kae bandhhan kattiaa saachai sirajanehaar ||
The True Creator Lord breaks the bonds of His slave.
BUlw mwrig pwieEnu gux Avgux n bIcwir ]
bhoolaa maarag paaeioun gun avagun n beechaar ||
The doubter has been put back on the path; his merits and demerits have not been considered.
nwnk iqsu srxwgqI ij sgl Gtw AwDwru ]4]18]88]
aucwrx srxw-gqI: sbµDk pwT hY; GtW: ibMdI sihq bolo
naanak this saranaagathee j sagal ghattaa aadhhaar ||4||18||88||
Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of the One who is the Support of every heart. ||4||18||88||