isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx isrIrwgu mh`lw pMjvw
sireeraag mehalaa 5 ||
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:
rsnw scw ismrIAY mnu qnu inrmlu hoie ]
rasanaa sachaa simareeai man than niramal hoe ||
With your tongue, repeat the True Name, and your mind and body shall become pure.
mwq ipqw swk Agly iqsu ibnu Avru n koie ]
maath pithaa saak agalae this bin avar n koe ||
Your mother and father and all your relations-without Him, there are none at all.
imhr kry jy AwpxI csw n ivsrY soie ]1]
mihar karae jae aapanee chasaa n visarai soe ||1||
If God Himself bestows His Mercy, then He is not forgotten, even for an instant. ||1||
mn myry swcw syiv ijcru swsu ]
man maerae saachaa saev jichar saas ||
O my mind, serve the True One, as long as you have the breath of life.
ibnu scy sB kUVu hY AMqy hoie ibnwsu ]1] rhwau ]
bin sachae sabh koorr hai anthae hoe binaas ||1|| rehaao ||
Without the True One, everything is false; in the end, all shall perish. ||1||Pause||
swihbu myrw inrmlw iqsu ibnu rhxu n jwie ]
saahib maeraa niramalaa this bin rehan n jaae ||
My Lord and Master is Immaculate and Pure; without Him, I cannot even survive.
myrY min qin BuK Aiq AglI koeI Awix imlwvY mwie ]
aucwrx Aiq: polw bolo
maerai man than bhukh ath agalee koee aan milaavai maae ||
Within my mind and body, there is such a great hunger; if only someone would come and unite me with Him, O my mother!
cwry kuµfw BwlIAw sh ibnu Avru n jwie ]2]
chaarae kunddaa bhaaleeaa seh bin avar n jaae ||2||
I have searched the four corners of the world-without our Husband Lord, there is no other place of rest. ||2||
iqsu AwgY Ardwis kir jo myly krqwru ]
this aagai aradhaas kar jo maelae karathaar ||
Offer your prayers to Him, who shall unite you with the Creator.
siqguru dwqw nwm kw pUrw ijsu Bµfwru ]
sathigur dhaathaa naam kaa pooraa jis bhanddaar ||
The True Guru is the Giver of the Naam; His Treasure is perfect and overflowing.
sdw sdw swlwhIAY AMqu n pwrwvwru ]3]
sadhaa sadhaa saalaaheeai anth n paaraavaar ||3||
Forever and ever, praise the One, who has no end or limitation. ||3||
prvdgwru swlwhIAY ijs dy clq Anyk ]
paravadhagaar saalaaheeai jis dhae chalath anaek ||
Praise God, the Nurturer and Cherisher; His Wondrous Ways are unlimited.
sdw sdw AwrwDIAY eyhw miq ivsyK ]
aucwrx m`iq
sadhaa sadhaa aaraadhheeai eaehaa math visaekh ||
Forever and ever, worship and adore Him; this is the most wonderful wisdom.
min qin imTw iqsu lgY ijsu msqik nwnk lyK ]4]19]89]
man than mithaa this lagai jis masathak naanak laekh ||4||19||89||
O Nanak, God's Flavor is sweet to the minds and bodies of those who have such blessed destiny written on their foreheads. ||4||19||89||