Bhai Nand Laal JiAng 1Divaan-e-Goya (Ghazals)Divaan-e-Goya (Ghazals)10 linesBhai Nand Lal Ji

Az dy cSim msqo SYdw AliZAws

az dhae chasham masatho shaidhaa alaghiaasa

Would some one please shield me from (the glare) of his imbued ravishing eyes,

Az lbo dhin SkrKw Al-iZAws ] 15 ] 1 ]

az labo dhehan shakarakhaa ala-ghiaas || 15 || 1 ||

And, protect me from his sugar cubes-chewing mouth and lips. (15) (1)

vwey br n&sy ik byhUdw guzSq

vaaeae bar nafasae k baehoodhaa guzashatha

I regret that moment that passed purposelessly,

AliZAws Az ZPliq mw AliZAws ] 15 ] 2 ]

alaghiaas az ghafalath maa alaghiaas || 15 || 2 ||

I also regret my carelessness, and my negligence to let the opportunity to slip by. (15) (2)

Az inzwie ku&ro dIN idl brhm Asq

az nizaae kufaro dheen dhil bareham asatha

My heart and soul are frustrated and grieved at the spat on account of blasphemy and religion

br dir drgwih mOlw AliZAws ] 15 ] 3 ]

bar dhar dharagaahi maaualaa alaghiaas || 15 || 3 ||

I would look for anyone who would save me at the door of the abode of Akaalpurakh.(Would someone save me when I have brought a plea at the door of the Creator.)' (15) (3)

lUlIAwin SoiK Awlm dr rbUd

looleeaan shokh aalam dhar raboodha

Playful, sportive and arrogant so called lovers have looted and conned the world.

mI kunm Az dsiq AWhw AliZAws ] 15 ] 4 ]

mee kunam az dhasath aanehaa alaghiaas || 15 || 4 ||

I am crying for mercy that I, too, have been exploited by them and are begging so that someone would please save me. (15) (4)

ik iz dsiq ^Mjir imzZwin aU

k z dhasath khanjar mizaghaan oo

How can Goyaa keep quiet from the dagger-like eyelids of the Master Guru;

mI Svd ^wmoS goXw AliZAws ] 15 ] 5 ]

mee shavadh khaamosh goyaa alaghiaas || 15 || 5 ||

I am still yelling for help. Someone would kindly save me. (15) (5)