SGGSAng 282Raag GauriSukhmani Mahalla 510 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

ijn pRBu jwqw su soBwvµq ]

jin prabh jaathaa s sobhaavanth ||

Those who know God are glorious.

sgl sMswru auDrY iqn mMq ]

sagal sansaar oudhharai thin manth ||

The whole world is redeemed by their teachings.

pRB ky syvk sgl auDwrn ]

prabh kae saevak sagal oudhhaaran ||

God's servants redeem all.

pRB ky syvk dUK ibswrn ]

prabh kae saevak dhookh bisaaran ||

God's servants cause sorrows to be forgotten.

Awpy myil ley ikrpwl ]

aapae mael leae kirapaal ||

The Merciful Lord unites them with Himself.

gur kw sbdu jip Bey inhwl ]

gur kaa sabadh jap bheae nihaal ||

Chanting the Word of the Guru's Shabad, they become ecstatic.

aun kI syvw soeI lwgY ]

oun kee saevaa soee laagai ||

He alone is committed to serve them,

ijsno ikRpw krih bfBwgY ]

jis no kirapaa karehi baddabhaagai ||

Upon whom God bestows His Mercy, by great good fortune.

nwmu jpq pwvih ibsRwmu ]

naam japath paavehi bisraam ||

Those who chant the Naam find their place of rest.

nwnk iqn purK kau aUqm kir mwnu ]7]

naanak thin purakh ko ootham kar maan ||7||

O Nanak, respect those persons as the most noble. ||7||