nh ikCu jnmY nh ikCu mrY ]
neh kishh janamai neh kishh marai ||
Nothing is born, and nothing dies.
Awpn cilqu Awp hI krY ]
aucwrx cilqu: polw bolo
aapan chalith aap hee karai ||
He Himself stages His own drama.
Awvnu jwvnu idRsit AnidRsit ]
aavan jaavan dhrisatt anadhrisatt ||
Coming and going, seen and unseen,
AwigAwkwrI DwrI sB isRsit ]
aagiaakaaree dhhaaree sabh srisatt ||
All the world is obedient to His Will.
Awpy Awip sgl mih Awip ]
aapae aap sagal mehi aap ||
He Himself is All-in-Himself.
Aink jugiq ric Qwip auQwip ]
anik jugath rach thhaap outhhaap ||
In His many ways, He establishes and disestablishes.
AibnwsI nwhI ikCu KMf ]
abinaasee naahee kishh khandd ||
He is Imperishable; nothing can be broken.
Dwrx Dwir rihE bRhmMf ]
dhhaaran dhhaar rehiou brehamandd ||
He lends His Support to maintain the Universe.
AlK AByv purK prqwp ]
aucwrx Al`K
alakh abhaev purakh parathaap ||
Unfathomable and Inscrutable is the Glory of the Lord.
Awip jpwey q nwnk jwp ]6]
aap japaaeae th naanak jaap ||6||
As He inspires us to meditate, O Nanak, so do we meditate. ||6||