sloku mÚ 1 ]
aucwrx sloku mh`lw pihlw
salok ma 1 ||
Shalok, First Mehl:
hukim rjweI swKqI drgh scu kbUlu ]
aucwrx rjweI: polw bolo
hukam rajaaee saakhathee dharageh sach kabool ||
Submit to the Will of the Lord Commander; in His Court, only Truth is accepted.
swihbu lyKw mMgsI dunIAw dyiK n BUlu ]
saahib laekhaa mangasee dhuneeaa dhaekh n bhool ||
Your Lord and Master shall call you to account; do not go astray on beholding the world.
idl drvwnI jo kry drvysI idlu rwis ]
dhil dharavaanee jo karae dharavaesee dhil raas ||
One who keeps watch over his heart, and keeps his heart pure, is a dervish, a saintly devotee.
iesk muhbiq nwnkw lyKw krqy pwis ]1]
aucwrx muh`biq
eisak muhabath naanakaa laekhaa karathae paas ||1||
Love and affection, O Nanak, are in the accounts placed before the Creator. ||1||