pauVI ]
pourree ||
kMtku kwlu eyku hY horu kMtku n sUJY ]
kanttak kaal eaek hai hor kanttak n soojhai ||
Only death is painful; I cannot conceive of anything else as painful.
APirE jg mih vrqdw pwpI isau lUJY ]
aucwrx AP-irE
afariou jag mehi varathadhaa paapee sio loojhai ||
It is unstoppable; it stalks and pervades the world, and fights with the sinners.
gur sbdI hir BydIAY hir jip hir bUJY ]
aucwrx bU`JY
gur sabadhee har bhaedheeai har jap har boojhai ||
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, one is immersed in the Lord. Meditating on the Lord, one comes to realize the Lord.
so hir srxweI CutIAY jo mn isau jUJY ]
so har saranaaee shhutteeai jo man sio joojhai ||
He alone is emancipated in the Sanctuary of the Lord, who struggles with his own mind.
min vIcwir hir jpu kry hir drgh sIJY ]11]
man veechaar har jap karae har dharageh seejhai ||11||
One who contemplates and meditates on the Lord in his mind, succeeds in the Court of the Lord. ||11||