SGGSAng 1183Raag BasantMahalla 519 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

bsµqu mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx bsµqu mh`lw pMjvw

basanth mehalaa 5 ||

Basant, Fifth Mehl:

gur crx sryvq duKu gieAw ]

aucwrx s-ryvq

gur charan saraevath dhukh gaeiaa ||

Dwelling at the Guru's Feet, pain and suffering go away.

pwrbRhim pRiB krI mieAw ]

aucwrx pwr-bRhim: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

paarabreham prabh karee maeiaa ||

The Supreme Lord God has shown mercy to me.

srb mnorQ pUrn kwm ]

sarab manorathh pooran kaam ||

All my desires and tasks are fulfilled.

jip jIvY nwnku rwm nwm ]1]

jap jeevai naanak raam naam ||1||

Chanting the Lord's Name, Nanak lives. ||1||

sw ruiq suhwvI ijqu hir iciq AwvY ]

aucwrx ru`iq

saa ruth suhaavee jith har chith aavai ||

How beautiful is that season, when the Lord fills the mind.

ibnu siqgur dIsY ibllWqI swkqu iPir iPir AwvY jwvY ]1] rhwau ]

bin sathigur dheesai bilalaanthee saakath fir fir aavai jaavai ||1|| rehaao ||

Without the True Guru, the world weeps. The faithless cynic comes and goes in reincarnation, over and over again. ||1||Pause||

sy Dnvµq ijn hir pRBu rwis ]

sae dhhanavanth jin har prabh raas ||

They alone are rich, who have the Wealth of the Lord God.

kwm kRoD gur sbid nwis ]

kaam krodhh gur sabadh naas ||

Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, sexual desire and anger are eradicated.

BY ibnsy inrBY pdu pwieAw ]

aucwrx inr-BY

bhai binasae nirabhai padh paaeiaa ||

Their fear is dispelled, and they attain the state of fearlessness.

gur imil nwnik Ksmu iDAwieAw ]2]

gur mil naanak khasam dhhiaaeiaa ||2||

Meeting with the Guru, Nanak meditates on his Lord and Master. ||2||

swDsµgiq pRiB kIE invws ]

saadhhasangath prabh keeou nivaas ||

God dwells in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

hir jip jip hoeI pUrn Aws ]

har jap jap hoee pooran aas ||

Chanting and meditating on the Lord, one's hopes are fulfilled.

jil Qil mhIAil riv rihAw ]

jal thhal meheeal rav rehiaa ||

God permeates and pervades the water, the land and the sky.

gur imil nwnik hir hir kihAw ]3]

gur mil naanak har har kehiaa ||3||

Meeting with the Guru, Nanak chants the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||3||

Ast isiD nviniD eyh ]

aucwrx is`iD; nv-in`iD

asatt sidhh nav nidhh eaeh ||

The eight miraculous spiritual powers and the nine treasures are contained in the Naam,

krim prwpiq ijsu nwmu dyh ]

karam paraapath jis naam dhaeh ||

The Name of the Lord. This is bestowed when God grants His Grace.

pRB jip jip jIvih qyry dws ]

prabh jap jap jeevehi thaerae dhaas ||

Your slaves, O God, live by chanting and meditating on Your Name.

gur imil nwnk kml pRgws ]4]13]

gur mil naanak kamal pragaas ||4||13||

O Nanak, the heart-lotus of the Gurmukh blossoms forth. ||4||13||