bsµqu mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx bsµqu mh`lw pMjvw
basanth mehalaa 5 ||
Basant, Fifth Mehl:
scu prmysru inq nvw ]
sach paramaesar nith navaa ||
The True Transcendent Lord is always new, forever fresh.
gur ikrpw qy inq cvw ]
aucwrx cvw: polw bolo
gur kirapaa thae nith chavaa ||
By Guru's Grace, I continually chant His Name.
pRB rKvwly mweI bwp ]
prabh rakhavaalae maaee baap ||
God is my Protector, my Mother and Father.
jw kY ismrix nhI sµqwp ]1]
jaa kai simaran nehee santhaap ||1||
Meditating in remembrance on Him, I do not suffer in sorrow. ||1||
Ksmu iDAweI iek min iek Bwie ]
khasam dhhiaaee eik man eik bhaae ||
I meditate on my Lord and Master, single-mindedly, with love.
gur pUry kI sdw srxweI swcY swihib riKAw kµiT lwie ]1] rhwau ]
gur poorae kee sadhaa saranaaee saachai saahib rakhiaa kanth laae ||1|| rehaao ||
I seek the Sanctuary of the Perfect Guru forever. My True Lord and Master hugs me close in His Embrace. ||1||Pause||
Apxy jn pRiB Awip rKy ]
apanae jan prabh aap rakhae ||
God Himself protects His humble servants.
dust dUq siB BRim Qky ]
dhusatt dhooth sabh bhram thhakae ||
The demons and wicked enemies have grown weary of struggling against Him.
ibnu gur swcy nhI jwie ]
bin gur saachae nehee jaae ||
Without the True Guru, there is no place to go.
duKu dys idsµqir rhy Dwie ]2]
dhukh dhaes dhisanthar rehae dhhaae ||2||
Wandering through the lands and foreign countries, people only grow tired and suffer in pain. ||2||
ikrqu En@w kw imtis nwih ]
kirath ounhaa kaa mittas naahi ||
The record of their past actions cannot be erased.
Eie Apxw bIijAw Awip Kwih ]
oue apanaa beejiaa aap khaahi ||
They harvest and eat what they have planted.
jn kw rKvwlw Awip soie ]
jan kaa rakhavaalaa aap soe ||
The Lord Himself is the Protector of His humble servants.
jn kau phuic n skis koie ]3]
jan ko pahuch n sakas koe ||3||
No one can rival the humble servant of the Lord. ||3||
pRiB dws rKy kir jqnu Awip ]
prabh dhaas rakhae kar jathan aap ||
By His own efforts, God protects His slave.
AKMf pUrn jw ko pRqwpu ]
akhandd pooran jaa ko prathaap ||
God's Glory is perfect and unbroken.
gux goibMd inq rsn gwie ]
gun gobindh nith rasan gaae ||
So sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe with your tongue forever.
nwnku jIvY hir crx iDAwie ]4]12]
naanak jeevai har charan dhhiaae ||4||12||
Nanak lives by meditating on the Feet of the Lord. ||4||12||