sloku mÚ 3 ]
aucwrx sloku mh`lw qIjw
salok ma 3 ||
Shalok, Third Mehl:
ijnw guru nhI ByitAw BY kI nwhI ibMd ]
jinaa gur nehee bhaettiaa bhai kee naahee bindh ||
Those who do not meet with the Guru, who have no Fear of God at all,
Awvxu jwvxu duKu Gxw kdy n cUkY icMd ]
aavan jaavan dhukh ghanaa kadhae n chookai chindh ||
Continue coming and going in reincarnation, and suffer terrible pain; their anxiety is never relieved.
kwpV ijvY pCoVIAY GVI muhq GVIAwlu ]
kaaparr jivai pashhorreeai gharree muhath gharreeaal ||
They are beaten like clothes being washed on the rocks, and struck every hour like chimes.
nwnk scy nwm ibnu isrhu n cukY jµjwlu ]1]
naanak sachae naam bin sirahu n chukai janjaal ||1||
O Nanak, without the True Name, these entanglements are not removed from hanging over one's head. ||1||