SGGSAng 1087Raag MaruMaru Vaar Mahalla 36 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

pauVI ]

pourree ||


mwieAw vyiK n Bulu qU mnmuK mUrKw ]

aucwrx mUrKw: polw bolo

maaeiaa vaekh n bhul thoo manamukh moorakhaa ||

Don't be fooled by gazing at the riches of Maya, you foolish self-willed manmukh.

clidAw nwil n cleI sBu JUTu drbu lKw ]

aucwrx l`Kw

chaladhiaa naal n chalee sabh jhooth dharab lakhaa ||

It shall not go along with you when you must depart; all the wealth you see is false.

AigAwnI AMDu n bUJeI isr aUpir jm KVgu klKw ]

aucwrx bU`JeI; kl`Kw

agiaanee andhh n boojhee sir oopar jam kharrag kalakhaa ||

The blind and ignorant do not understand, that the sword of death is hanging over their heads.

gurprswdI aubry ijn hir rsu cKw ]

aucwrx c`Kw

gur parasaadhee oubarae jin har ras chakhaa ||

By Guru's Grace, those who drink in the sublime essence of the Lord are saved.

Awip krwey kry Awip Awpy hir rKw ]3]

aucwrx r`Kw

aap karaaeae karae aap aapae har rakhaa ||3||

He Himself is the Doer, and He Himself is the Cause; the Lord Himself is our Saving Grace. ||3||