SGGSAng 336Raag GauriKabir Ji11 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

gauVI ]

gourree ||


pwnI mYlw mwtI gorI ]

paanee mailaa maattee goree ||

The water of the sperm is cloudy, and the egg of the ovary is crimson.

ies mwtI kI puqrI jorI ]1]

eis maattee kee putharee joree ||1||

From this clay, the puppet is fashioned. ||1||

mY nwhI kCu Awih n morw ]

mai naahee kashh aahi n moraa ||

I am nothing, and nothing is mine.

qnu Dnu sBu rsu goibMd qorw ]1] rhwau ]

than dhhan sabh ras gobindh thoraa ||1|| rehaao ||

This body, wealth, and all delicacies are Yours, O Lord of the Universe. ||1||Pause||

ies mwtI mih pvnu smwieAw ]

eis maattee mehi pavan samaaeiaa ||

Into this clay, the breath is infused.

JUTw prpMcu joir clwieAw ]2]

jhoothaa parapanch jor chalaaeiaa ||2||

By Your Power, You have set this false contrivance in motion. ||2||

iknhU lwK pWc kI jorI ]

kinehoo laakh paanch kee joree ||

Some collect hundreds of thousands of dollars,

AMq kI bwr ggrIAw PorI ]3]

anth kee baar gagareeaa foree ||3||

But in the end, the pitcher of the body bursts. ||3||

kih kbIr iek nIv auswrI ]

kehi kabeer eik neev ousaaree ||

Says Kabeer, that single foundation which you have laid

iKn mih ibnis jwie AhµkwrI ]4]1]9]60]

khin mehi binas jaae ahankaaree ||4||1||9||60||

Will be destroyed in an instant - you are so egotistical. ||4||1||9||60||