SGGSAng 336Raag GauriKabir Ji11 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

gauVI ]

gourree ||


ijau kip ky kr musit cnn kI lubiD n iqAwgu dieE ]

jio kap kae kar musatt chanan kee lubadhh n thiaag dhaeiou ||

Like the monkey with a handful of grain, who will not let go because of greed

jo jo krm kIey lwlc isau qy iPir grih pirE ]1]

jo jo karam keeeae laalach sio thae fir garehi pariou ||1||

- just so, all the deeds committed in greed ultimately become a noose around one's neck. ||1||

Bgiq ibnu ibrQy jnmu gieE ]

bhagath bin birathhae janam gaeiou ||

Without devotional worship, human life passes away in vain.

swDsµgiq Bgvwn Bjn ibnu khI n scu rihE ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx Bjn: polw bolo

saadhhasangath bhagavaan bhajan bin kehee n sach rehiou ||1|| rehaao ||

Without the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, without vibrating and meditating on the Lord God, one does not abide in Truth. ||1||Pause||

ijau auidAwn kusm prPuilq iknih n GRwau lieE ]

jio oudhiaan kusam parafulith kinehi n ghraao laeiou ||

Like the flower which blossoms in the wilderness with no one to enjoy its fragrance,

qYsy BRmq Anyk join mih iPir iPir kwl hieE ]2]

thaisae bhramath anaek jon mehi fir fir kaal haeiou ||2||

So do people wander in reincarnation; over and over again, they are destroyed by Death. ||2||

ieAw Dn jobn Aru suq dwrw pyKn kau ju dieE ]

eiaa dhhan joban ar suth dhaaraa paekhan ko j dhaeiou ||

This wealth, youth, children and spouse which the Lord has given you - this is all just a passing show.

iqnhI mwih Atik jo aurJy ieMdRI pRyir lieE ]3]

thin hee maahi attak jo ourajhae eindhree praer laeiou ||3||

Those who are caught and entangled in these are carried away by sensual desire. ||3||

AauD Anl qnu iqn ko mMdru chu ids Twtu TieE ]

aucwrx Anl: polw bolo (ASuD: An`l)

aoudhh anal than thin ko mandhar chahu dhis thaatt thaeiou ||

Age is the fire, and the body is the house of straw; on all four sides, this play is being played out.

kih kbIr BY swgr qrn kau mY siqgur Et lieE ]4]1]8]59]

kehi kabeer bhai saagar tharan ko mai sathigur outt laeiou ||4||1||8||59||

Says Kabeer, to cross over the terriffying world-ocean, I have taken to the Shelter of the True Guru. ||4||1||8||59||