12: is`K pRRaupkwrI
Sikh, the altruist
Pl dy vt vgwieAw qCxhwrY qwir qrMdw ]
phal day vat vagaaiaan tachhanahaaray taari tarandaa.
A tree gives fruits to stone thrower and wooden boat to the cutter to get him across.
qCy puq n fobeI puq vYru jl jI n DrMdw ]
tachhay pout n dobaee pout vairu jal jee n dharandaa.
Water, the father (of tree) not remembering the evil deeds (of carpenter) does not drown the boat along with carpenter.
vrsY hoie shMs Dwr imil igl jlu nIvwix clMdw ]
varasai hoi sahans dhaar mili gil jalu neevaani chaladaa.
Becoming thousands of currents when it rains, water in thousand streams flows towards the lower places.
fobY fbY Agr no Awpu Cif puq pYj rKMdw ]
dobai dabai agar no aapu chhadi pout paij rakhandaa.
Wood of agar tree is drowned but repudiating ego, water saves the honour of its son, wood of the tree [ in fact agar(eaglewood) floats under water surface ] .
qir fubY fubw qrY ijix hwrY hwrY su ijxMdw ]
tari doubai doubaa tarai jini haarai haarai su jinandaa.
He who goes on swimming upon the water (of love) may be understood as drowned and he who drowns in love, may be considered as having swum across.
aultw Kylu iprMm dw pYrW aupir sIsu invMdw ]
ulataa khaylu piranm daa pairaan oupari seesu nivandaa.
Similarly, winner in the world loses and becoming detached and the loser, one wins (ultimately).
Awphu iksY n jwxY mMdw ]12]
aapahu kisai n jaanai mandaa ||12||
Inverse is the tradition of love which makes the head bow to the feet. The altruist Sikh considers none as the bad or the worse.