13: is`K inMmR qy praupkwrI hY
Sikh, the humble and the benevolent
13: gurisK pRqwpIAW icrjIvIAW qoN au`cw suK Pl ivc hY ]
Sikh, the humble and the benevolent
DrqI pYrw hyiT hY DrqI hyiT vsMdw pwxI ]
dharatee pairaan haytdi hai dharatee haytdi vasandaa paanee.
The earth is under our feet but under the earth is water.
pwxI clY nIvwx no inrmlu sIqlu suDu prwxI ]
paanee chalai neevaanu no niramalu seetalu sudhu paraanee.
Water flows downward and makes others cool and clean.
bhu rMgI iek rMgu hY sBnw AMdir ieko jwxI ]
bahu rangee ik rangu hai sabhanaan andari iko jaanee.
Mixed with various colours it assumes those colours but in itself it is colourless common to all.
qqw hovY Dup ivic CwvY TMFw ivrqI hwxI ]
tataa hovai dhoup vichi chhaavai tdaddhaa viratee haanee.
It becomes hot in the sun and cool in the shade, that is it acts in consonance with its companions (sun and shade).
qpdw praupkwr no TMFy praupkwr ivhwxI ]
tapadaa paraoupakaar no tdaddhay paraoupakaar vihaanee.
Whethger hot or cold its purpose always is other's good.
Agin buJwey qpiq ivic TMFw hovY iblmu n AwxI ]
agani bujhaaay tapati vichi tdaddhaa hovai bilamu n aanee.
Though itself warm it extinguishes the fire and takes no time to get cold again.
guru isKI dI eyh nIswxI ]13]
guru sikhee dee ayhu neesaanee ||13||
These are the virtuous marks of the Sikh culture.