Bhai Nand Laal JiAng 1Divaan-e-Goya (Ghazals)Divaan-e-Goya (Ghazals)14 linesBhai Nand Lal Ji

mw bw-Xwid h`k hmySw izMdw-eym

maa baa-yaadh hak hamaeshaa zindhaa-eaema

?I always spend my life's time in His remembrance; this life is meaningful only so long as we love the Truth,

dwiem Az iehswin aU SrmiMdw-eym ] 57 ] 1 ]

dhaaeim az eihasaan oo sharamanidhaa-eaem || 57 || 1 ||

And, I am chagrined but eternally grateful of the enormous obligations and kindnesses bestowed on me by my Master.? (57) (1)

^ud-nmw rw bMdgI mnzUr nIsq

khudha-namaa raa bandhagee manazoor neesatha

A self centered egoist does not accept nor believe in meditation,

aU hmySW swihbo mw bMdw-eym ] 57 ] 2 ]

oo hamaeshaan saahibo maa bandhaa-eaem || 57 || 2 ||

However, Akaalpurakh is always the Master and we, the worldly earthlings, His slaves for ever. (57) (2)

dr vjUid ^wkIAW pwkI Azosq

dhar vajoodh khaakeeaan paakee azosatha

These earthen dolls, human beings, have been made sacred only because of Him, since His own image abides in all of them,

mw ^udwie pwk rw bIinMdw-eym ] 57 ] 3 ]

maa khudhaae paak raa beenindhaa-eaem || 57 || 3 ||

And, I have perceived the All-Protective Lord, and remain imbued in His remembrance. (57) (3)

mw bpwie Swh sr A&gMdw-eym

maa bapaae shaah sar afagandhaa-eaema

I have placed my head at the lotus feet of my great King Master,

Az do Awlm dsq rw A&SWdw-eym ] 57 ] 4 ]

az dho aalam dhasath raa afashaanadhaa-eaem || 57 || 4 ||

And, I have washed my hands off from both the worlds, this and the next. (57) (4)

nIsq dr hr cSm ZYr Az nUir aU

neesath dhar har chasham ghair az noor oo

There is nothing else except his refulgence in everyone's eye,

suhbiq mrdwin h`k joieMdw-eym ] 57 ] 5 ]

suhabath maradhaan hak joeindhaa-eaem || 57 || 5 ||

That is why, I have always sought the company of saintly persons. (57) (5)

mw cU z`rwie ^wik pwie aU Sudym

maa choo zaraae khaak paae oo shudhaema

Goyaa says, I have become a particle of the dust under His feet,

qw bdwmn dsiq ^ud A&gMdw eym ] 57 ] 6 ]

thaa badhaaman dhasath khudh afagandhaa eaem || 57 || 6 ||

Since I have got hold of the strings of His robe surrendered myself and sought and got His shield. (57) (6)

kIsq goXw zwkir nwim ^udw

keesath goyaa zaakar naam khudhaa

Goyaa asks, Who is Goyaa? meditator of the Naam of kaalpurakh,

hmcU ^urSId jhW r^SMdw eym ] 57 ] 7 ]

hamachoo khurasheedh jehaan rakhashandhaa eaem || 57 || 7 ||

That is the reason that he is shining in this world like the sun. (57) (7)