Bhai Gurdas JiAng 29Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 298 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

5: is`K gqI swD sMg-cwr igxqI

Successful transaction they do in the holy congregation , -

cwir pdwrQ hQ joiV hukmI bMdy rhin KVoqy ]

chaari padaarad had jorhi houkamee banday rahani kharhotay.

The four ideals (dharma, arth, ktim, moks) stand w'th folded hands around the obedient servant (of the Lord).

cwry ck invwieAw pYrI pY iek sUiq proqy ]

chaaray chak nivaaiaa pairee pai ik sooti parotay.

This servant has made the four directions bow to him by bowing to One who has strung one and all into one thread.

vyd n pwiein Bydu ikhu piV piV pMifq suix suix sRoqy ]

vayd n paaini bhaydu kihu parhi parhi pandit souni souni srotay.

The Vedas, the reciter pandits of the Vedas and their audience cannot understand His mystery.

chu juig AMdr jwgdI Eiq poiq imil jgmg joqy ]

chahu jougi andar jaagadee aoti poti mili jagamag jotay.

His ever radiant flame glows in all the four yugso ages.

cwir vrn iek vrn hoie gurisK vVIAin gurmuiK goqy ]

chaari varan ik varan hoi gurasikh varheeani guramoukhi gotay.

The Sikhs of all the four vamas became one varna and they have entered the (larger) clan of Gurmukhs.

Drmswl ivic bIjdy kir gurpurb su vxj sEqy ]

dharamasaal vichi beejaday kari gurapurab su vanaj saaotay.

They at the abodes of dharma (Gurdvaras) celebrate anniversaries of the Gurus and thus sow the seeds of virtuous actions.

swDsMgiq imil dwdy poqy ]5]

saadhasangati mili daaday potay ||5||

In the holy congregation the grandson and the grandfather (i.e. young and old) are equal to each other.