4: is`K krxI swD sMg
Conduct of a Sikh
pauxu pwxI bYsMqro rj guxu qm guxu sq guxu ijqw ]
paounu paanee baisantaro raj gounu tam gounu sat gounu jitaa.
Air, water, fire and the three qualities – tranquillity, activity and inertness have been conquered by the Sikh.
mn bc krm sMklp kir iek min hoie ivgoie duicqw ]
man bach karam sankalap kari ik mani hoi vigoi douchitaa.
With the concentration of mind, speech, action and meditating upon the One, he has lost the sense of duality.
lok vyd gur igAwn ilv AMdir ieku bwhir bhu iBqw ]
lok vayd gur giaan liv andari iku baahari bahu bhitaa.
Absorption in the knowledge of the Guru is his conduct in the world. In his innerself he is One (with the Lord) while he performs diverse duties in the world.
mwq lok pwqwl ijix surg lok ivic hoie AiQqw ]
maat lok paataal jini surag lok vichi hoi aditaa.
Conquering the earth and the nether world he establishes himself in heavens.
imTw bolxu iniv clxu hQhu dy kir piqq pivqw ]
mitdaa bolanu nivi chalanu hadahu day kari patit pavitaa.
By speaking sweetly, behaving humbly and bestowing charities with one's own hands, even the fallen ones have become pure.
gurmuiK suK Plu pwieAw Aqulu Afol Amol Aimqw ]
guramoukhi soukh phalu paaiaa atulu adolu amolu amitaa.
Thus, the gurmukh attains incomparable and invalauable fruits of delight.
swDsMgiq imil pIiV nipqw ]4]
saadhasangati mili peerhi napitaa ||4||
Associating with the holy congregation he squeezes out the ego (from the mind).