SGGSAng 1094Raag MaruMaru Vaar Mahalla 37 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

pauVI ]

pourree ||


Awpy kir kir vyKdw Awpy sBu scw ]

aapae kar kar vaekhadhaa aapae sabh sachaa ||

He Himself creates the creation, and gazes upon it; He Himself is totally True.

jo hukmu n bUJY Ksm kw soeI nru kcw ]

aucwrx bU`JY

jo hukam n boojhai khasam kaa soee nar kachaa ||

One who does not understand the Hukam, the Command of his Lord and Master, is false.

ijqu BwvY iqqu lwiedw gurmuiK hir scw ]

jith bhaavai thith laaeidhaa guramukh har sachaa ||

By the Pleasure of His Will, the True Lord joins the Gurmukh to Himself.

sBnw kw swihbu eyku hY gur sbdI rcw ]

sabhanaa kaa saahib eaek hai gur sabadhee rachaa ||

He is the One Lord and Master of all; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, we are blended with Him.

gurmuiK sdw slwhIAY siB iqsdy jcw ]

guramukh sadhaa salaaheeai sabh this dhae jachaa ||

The Gurmukhs praise Him forever; all are beggars of Him.

ijau nwnk Awip ncwiedw iqv hI ko ncw ]22]1] suDu ]

aucwrx suDu bolnw hY

jio naanak aap nachaaeidhaa thiv hee ko nachaa ||22||1|| sudhh ||

O Nanak, as He Himself makes us dance, we dance. ||22||1|| Sudh||