SGGSAng 356Raag AsaMahalla 113 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw

aasaa mehalaa 1 ||

Aasaa, First Mehl:

Awip kry scu AlK Apwru ]

aucwrx Al`K

aap karae sach alakh apaar ||

He Himself does everything, the True, Invisible, Infinite Lord.

hau pwpI qUµ bKsxhwru ]1]

ho paapee thoon bakhasanehaar ||1||

I am a sinner, You are the Forgiver. ||1||

qyrw Bwxw sBu ikCu hovY ]

thaeraa bhaanaa sabh kishh hovai ||

By Your Will, everything come to pass.

mnhiT kIcY AMiq ivgovY ]1] rhwau ]

manehath keechai anth vigovai ||1|| rehaao ||

One who acts in stubborn-mindedness is ruined in the end. ||1||Pause||

mnmuK kI miq kUiV ivAwpI ]

aucwrx m`iq

manamukh kee math koorr viaapee ||

The intellect of the self-willed manmukh is engrossed in falsehood.

ibnu hir ismrx pwip sµqwpI ]2]

bin har simaran paap santhaapee ||2||

Without the meditative remembrance of the Lord, it suffers in sin. ||2||

durmiq iqAwig lwhw ikCu lyvhu ]

dhuramath thiaag laahaa kishh laevahu ||

Renounce evil-mindedness, and you shall reap the rewards.

jo aupjY so AlK AByvhu ]3]

aucwrx Al`K; A-Byvhu

jo oupajai so alakh abhaevahu ||3||

Whoever is born, comes through the Unknowable and Mysterious Lord. ||3||

AYsw hmrw sKw shweI ]

aisaa hamaraa sakhaa sehaaee ||

Such is my Friend and Companion;

gur hir imilAw Bgiq idRVweI ]4]

gur har miliaa bhagath dhrirraaee ||4||

Meeting with the Guru, the Lord, devotion was implanted within me. ||4||

sglˆØI saudˆØI qotw AwvY ]

sagalanaee soudhanaee thottaa aavai ||

In all other transactions, one suffers loss.

nwnk rwm nwmu min BwvY ]5]24]

naanak raam naam man bhaavai ||5||24||

The Name of the Lord is pleasing to Nanak's mind. ||5||24||