SGGSAng 356Raag AsaMahalla 115 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 1 pMcpdy ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw pMc-pdy

aasaa mehalaa 1 panchapadhae ||

Aasaa, First Mehl, Panch-Padas:

mohu kutµbu mohu sB kwr ]

mohu kuttanb mohu sabh kaar ||

Your attachment to your family, your attachment to all your affairs

mohu qum qjhu sgl vykwr ]1]

mohu thum thajahu sagal vaekaar ||1||

- renounce all your attachments, for they are all corrupt. ||1||

mohu Aru Brmu qjhu qum bIr ]

mohu ar bharam thajahu thumh beer ||

Renounce your attachments and doubts, O brother,

swcu nwmu irdy rvY srIr ]1] rhwau ]

saach naam ridhae ravai sareer ||1|| rehaao ||

And dwell upon the True Name within your heart and body. ||1||Pause||

scu nwmu jw nviniD pweI ]

aucwrx nv-in`iD

sach naam jaa nav nidhh paaee ||

When one receives the nine treasures of the True Name,

rovY pUqu n klpY mweI ]2]

rovai pooth n kalapai maaee ||2||

His children do not weep, and his mother does not grieve. ||2||

eyqu moih fUbw sMswru ]

eaeth mohi ddoobaa sansaar ||

In this attachment, the world is drowning.

gurmuiK koeI auqrY pwir ]3]

guramukh koee outharai paar ||3||

Few are the Gurmukhs who swim across. ||3||

eyqu moih iPir jUnI pwih ]

eaeth mohi fir joonee paahi ||

In this attachment, people are reincarnated over and over again.

mohy lwgw jmpuir jwih ]4]

mohae laagaa jam pur jaahi ||4||

Attached to emotional attachment, they go to the city of Death. ||4||

gur dIiKAw ly jpu qpu kmwih ]

gur dheekhiaa lae jap thap kamaahi ||

You have received the Guru's Teachings - now practice meditation and penance.

nw mohu qUtY nw Qwie pwih ]5]

naa mohu thoottai naa thhaae paahi ||5||

If attachment is not broken, no one is approved. ||5||

ndir kry qw eyhu mohu jwie ]

nadhar karae thaa eaehu mohu jaae ||

But if He bestows His Glance of Grace, then this attachment departs.

nwnk hir isau rhY smwie ]6]23]

naanak har sio rehai samaae ||6||23||

O Nanak, then one remains merged in the Lord. ||6||23||