SGGSAng 621Raag SorathMahalla 513 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

soriT mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx soriT mh`lw pMjvw

sorath mehalaa 5 ||

Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl:

guir pUrY ikrpw DwrI ]

gur poorai kirapaa dhhaaree ||

The Perfect Guru has granted His Grace,

pRiB pUrI loc hmwrI ]

prabh pooree loch hamaaree ||

And God has fulfilled my desire.

kir iesnwnu igRih Awey ]

kar eisanaan grihi aaeae ||

After taking my bath of purification, I returned to my home,

And mMgl suK pwey ]1]

anadh mangal sukh paaeae ||1||

And I found bliss, happiness and peace. ||1||

sMqhu rwm nwim insqrIAY ]

santhahu raam naam nisathareeai ||

O Saints, salvation comes from the Lord's Name.

aUTq bYTq hir hir iDAweIAY Anidnu suikRqu krIAY ]1] rhwau ]

oothath baithath har har dhhiaaeeai anadhin sukirath kareeai ||1|| rehaao ||

While standing up and sitting down, meditate on the Lord's Name. Night and day, do good deeds. ||1||Pause||

sMq kw mwrgu Drm kI pauVI ko vfBwgI pwey ]

santh kaa maarag dhharam kee pourree ko vaddabhaagee paaeae ||

The way of the Saints is the ladder of righteous living, found only by great good fortune.

koit jnm ky iklibK nwsy hir crxI icqu lwey ]2]

kott janam kae kilabikh naasae har charanee chith laaeae ||2||

The sins of millions of incarnations are washed away, by focusing your consciousness on the Lord's feet. ||2||

ausqiq krhu sdw pRB Apny ijin pUrI kl rwKI ]

ousathath karahu sadhaa prabh apanae jin pooree kal raakhee ||

So sing the Praises of your God forever; His almighty power is perfect.

jIA jµq siB Bey pivqRw siqgur kI scu swKI ]3]

jeea janth sabh bheae pavithraa sathigur kee sach saakhee ||3||

All beings and creatures are purified, listening to the True Teachings of the True Guru. ||3||

ibGn ibnwsn siB duK nwsn siqguir nwmu idRVwieAw ]

bighan binaasan sabh dhukh naasan sathigur naam dhrirraaeiaa ||

The True Guru has implanted the Naam, the Name of the Lord, within me; it is the Eliminator of obstructions, the Destroyer of all pains.

Koey pwp Bey siB pwvn jn nwnk suiK Gir AwieAw ]4]3]53]

khoeae paap bheae sabh paavan jan naanak sukh ghar aaeiaa ||4||3||53||

All of my sins were erased, and I have been purified; servant Nanak has returned to his home of peace. ||4||3||53||