SGGSAng 621Raag SorathMahalla 519 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

soriT mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx soriT mh`lw pMjvw

sorath mehalaa 5 ||

Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl:

ihrdY nwmu vswiehu ]

hiradhai naam vasaaeihu ||

Enshrine the Naam, the Name of the Lord, within your heart;

Gir bYTy gurU iDAwiehu ]

ghar baithae guroo dhhiaaeihu ||

Sitting within your own home, meditate on the Guru.

guir pUrY scu kihAw ]

gur poorai sach kehiaa ||

The Perfect Guru has spoken the Truth;

so suKu swcw lihAw ]1]

so sukh saachaa lehiaa ||1||

The True Peace is obtained only from the Lord. ||1||

Apunw hoieE guru imhrvwnw ]

apunaa hoeiou gur miharavaanaa ||

My Guru has become merciful.

And sUK kilAwx mMgl isau Gir Awey kir iesnwnw ] rhwau ]

anadh sookh kaliaan mangal sio ghar aaeae kar eisanaanaa || rehaao ||

In bliss, peace, pleasure and joy, I have returned to my own home, after my purifying bath. ||Pause||

swcI gur vifAweI ]

saachee gur vaddiaaee ||

True is the glorious greatness of the Guru;

qw kI kImiq khxu n jweI ]

thaa kee keemath kehan n jaaee ||

His worth cannot be described.

isir swhw pwiqswhw ]

sir saahaa paathisaahaa ||

He is the Supreme Overlord of kings.

gur Bytq min Emwhw ]2]

gur bhaettath man oumaahaa ||2||

Meeting with the Guru, the mind is enraptured. ||2||

sgl prwCq lwQy ]

sagal paraashhath laathhae ||

All sins are washed away,

imil swDsµgiq kY swQy ]

mil saadhhasangath kai saathhae ||

Meeting with the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

gux inDwn hir nwmw ]

gun nidhhaan har naamaa ||

The Lord's Name is the treasure of excellence;

jip pUrn hoey kwmw ]3]

jap pooran hoeae kaamaa ||3||

Chanting it, one's affairs are perfectly resolved. ||3||

guir kIno mukiq duAwrw ]

gur keeno mukath dhuaaraa ||

The Guru has opened the door of liberation,

sB isRsit krY jYkwrw ]

sabh srisatt karai jaikaaraa ||

And the entire world applauds Him with cheers of victory.

nwnk pRBu myrY swQy ]

naanak prabh maerai saathhae ||

O Nanak, God is always with me;

jnm mrx BY lwQy ]4]2]52]

janam maran bhai laathhae ||4||2||52||

My fears of birth and death are gone. ||4||2||52||