SGGSAng 1246Raag SarangSarang Ki Vaar Mahalla 48 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

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aucwrx mh`lw cauQw

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Fourth Mehl:

gxqY syv n hoveI kIqw Qwie n pwie ]

ganathai saev n hovee keethaa thhaae n paae ||

Calculated service is not service at all, and what is done is not approved.

sbdY swdu n AwieE sic n lgo Bwau ]

sabadhai saadh n aaeiou sach n lago bhaao ||

The flavor of the Shabad, the Word of God, is not tasted if the mortal is not in love with the True Lord God.

siqguru ipAwrw n lgeI mnhiT AwvY jwie ]

sathigur piaaraa n lagee manehath aavai jaae ||

The stubborn-minded person does not even like the True Guru; he comes and goes in reincarnation.

jy iek ivK Agwhw Bry qW ds ivKW ipCwhw jwie ]

aucwrx ds: polw bolo

jae eik vikh agaahaa bharae thaan dhas vikhaan pishhaahaa jaae ||

He takes one step forward, and ten steps back.

siqgur kI syvw cwkrI jy clih siqgur Bwie ]

sathigur kee saevaa chaakaree jae chalehi sathigur bhaae ||

The mortal works to serve the True Guru, if he walks in harmony with the True Guru's Will.

Awpu gvwie siqgurU no imlY shjy rhY smwie ]

aap gavaae sathiguroo no milai sehajae rehai samaae ||

He loses his self-conceit, and meets the True Guru; he remains intuitively absorbed in the Lord.

nwnk iqn@w nwmu n vIsrY scy myil imlwie ]2]

naanak thinhaa naam n veesarai sachae mael milaae ||2||

O Nanak, they never forget the Naam, the Name of the Lord; they are united in Union with the True Lord. ||2||