SGGSAng 1246Raag SarangSarang Ki Vaar Mahalla 46 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

pauVI ]

pourree ||


Kwn mlUk khwiedy ko rhxu n pweI ]

khaan malook kehaaeidhae ko rehan n paaee ||

They call themselves emperors and rulers, but none of them will be allowed to stay.

gV@ mMdr gcgIrIAw ikCu swiQ n jweI ]

aucwrx gc-gIrIAw

garrh mandhar gach geereeaa kishh saathh n jaaee ||

Their sturdy forts and mansions - none of them will go along with them.

soien swKiq paux vyg iDRgu iDRgu cqurweI ]

soein saakhath poun vaeg dhhrig dhhrig chathuraaee ||

Their gold and horses, fast as the wind, are cursed, and cursed are their clever tricks.

CqIh AMimRq prkwr krih bhu mYlu vDweI ]

shhatheeh anmrith parakaar karehi bahu mail vadhhaaee ||

Eating the thirty-six delicacies, they become bloated with pollution.

nwnk jo dyvY iqsih n jwxn@I mnmuiK duKu pweI ]23]

naanak jo dhaevai thisehi n jaananhee manamukh dhukh paaee ||23||

O Nanak, the self-willed manmukh does not know the One who gives, and so he suffers in pain. ||23||