SGGSAng 486Raag AsaSri Ravidas Jio12 linesBhagat Ravidas Ji

Awsw bwxI sRI rivdws jIau kI

aucwrx rivdws: 'iv' ishwrI iv`c rhxw (ASuD: rvIdws)

aasaa baanee sree ravidhaas jeeo kee

Aasaa, The Word Of The Reverend Ravi Daas Jee:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

imRg mIn iBRMg pqµg kuMcr eyk doK ibnws ]

mrig meen bhring pathang kunchar eaek dhokh binaas ||

The deer, the fish, the bumble bee, the moth and the elephant are destroyed, each for a single defect.

pMc doK AswD jw mih qw kI kyqk Aws ]1]

panch dhokh asaadhh jaa mehi thaa kee kaethak aas ||1||

So the one who is filled with the five incurable vices - what hope is there for him? ||1||

mwDo AibidAw ihq kIn ]

aucwrx A-ibidAw

maadhho abidhiaa hith keen ||

O Lord, he is in love with ignorance.

ibbyk dIp mlIn ]1] rhwau ]

bibaek dheep maleen ||1|| rehaao ||

His lamp of clear wisdom has grown dim. ||1||Pause||

iqRgd join Acyq sMBv puMn pwp Asoc ]

thrigadh jon achaeth sanbhav punn paap asoch ||

The creeping creatures live thoughtless lives, and cannot discriminate between good and evil.

mwnuKw Avqwr dulB iqhI sµgiq poc ]2]

aucwrx dul`B

maanukhaa avathaar dhulabh thihee sangath poch ||2||

It is so difficult to obtain this human incarnation, and yet, they keep company with the low. ||2||

jIA jµq jhw jhw lgu krm ky bis jwie ]

jeea janth jehaa jehaa lag karam kae bas jaae ||

Wherever the beings and creatures are, they are born according to the karma of their past actions.

kwl Pws AbD lwgy kCu n clY aupwie ]3]

aucwrx Ab`D; c`lY

kaal faas abadhh laagae kashh n chalai oupaae ||3||

The noose of death is unforgiving, and it shall catch them; it cannot be warded off. ||3||

rivdws dws audws qju BRmu qpn qpu gur igAwn ]

aucwrx rivdws: 'iv' ishwrI iv`c rhxw (ASuD: rvIdws)

ravidhaas dhaas oudhaas thaj bhram thapan thap gur giaan ||

O servant Ravi Daas, dispel your sorrow and doubt, and know that Guru-given spiritual wisdom is the penance of penances.

Bgq jn BY hrn prmwnµd krhu indwn ]4]1]

bhagath jan bhai haran paramaanandh karahu nidhaan ||4||1||

O Lord, Destroyer of the fears of Your humble devotees, make me supremely blissful in the end. ||4||1||