Awsw ]
aasaa ||
pwrbRhmu ij cIn@sI Awsw qy n BwvsI ]
aucwrx pwr-bRhmu: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
paarabreham j cheenhasee aasaa thae n bhaavasee ||
One who recognizes the Supreme Lord God, dislikes other desires.
rwmw Bgqh cyqIAly AicMq mnu rwKsI ]1]
raamaa bhagatheh chaetheealae achinth man raakhasee ||1||
He focuses his consciousness on the Lord's devotional worship, and keeps his mind free of anxiety. ||1||
kYsy mn qrihgw ry sMswru swgru ibKY ko bnw ]
aucwrx bnw: polw bolo
kaisae man tharehigaa rae sansaar saagar bikhai ko banaa ||
O my mind, how will you cross over the world-ocean, if you are filled with the water of corruption?
JUTI mwieAw dyiK kY BUlw ry mnw ]1] rhwau ]
aucwrx mnw: polw bolo
jhoothee maaeiaa dhaekh kai bhoolaa rae manaa ||1|| rehaao ||
Gazing upon the falseness of Maya, you have gone astray, O my mind. ||1||Pause||
CIpy ky Gir jnmu dYlw gur aupdysu BYlw ]
shheepae kae ghar janam dhailaa gur oupadhaes bhailaa ||
You have given me birth in the house of a calico-printer, but I have found the Teachings of the Guru.
sMqh kY prswid nwmw hir Bytulw ]2]5]
santheh kai parasaadh naamaa har bhaettulaa ||2||5||
By the Grace of the Saint, Naam Dayv has met the Lord. ||2||5||