ijskY min pwrbRhm kw invwsu ]
aucwrx pwr-bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
jis kai man paarabreham kaa nivaas ||
One whose mind is a home for the Supreme Lord God
iqs kw nwmu siq rwmdwsu ]
this kaa naam sath raamadhaas ||
- his name is truly Ram Das, the Lord's servant.
Awqm rwmu iqsu ndrI AwieAw ]
aatham raam this nadharee aaeiaa ||
He comes to have the Vision of the Lord, the Supreme Soul.
dws dsµqx Bwie iqin pwieAw ]
aucwrx d-sµqx
dhaas dhasanthan bhaae thin paaeiaa ||
Deeming himself to be the slave of the Lord's slaves, he obtains it.
sdw inkit inkit hir jwnu ]
sadhaa nikatt nikatt har jaan ||
He knows the Lord to be Ever-present, close at hand.
so dwsu drgh prvwnu ]
so dhaas dharageh paravaan ||
Such a servant is honored in the Court of the Lord.
Apuny dws kau Awip ikrpw krY ]
apunae dhaas ko aap kirapaa karai ||
To His servant, He Himself shows His Mercy.
iqsu dws kau sB soJI prY ]
this dhaas ko sabh sojhee parai ||
Such a servant understands everything.
sgl sµig Awqm audwsu ]
sagal sang aatham oudhaas ||
Amidst all, his soul is unattached.
AYsI jugiq nwnk rwmdwsu ]6]
aisee jugath naanak raamadhaas ||6||
Such is the way, O Nanak, of the Lord's servant. ||6||