Awsw mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw
aasaa mehalaa 5 ||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
rovnhwrY JUTu kmwnw ]
rovanehaarai jhooth kamaanaa ||
The mourner practices falsehood;
his his sogu krq bygwnw ]1]
has has sog karath baegaanaa ||1||
He laughs with glee, while mourning for others. ||1||
ko mUAw kw kY Gir gwvnu ]
aucwrx kw kY: v`Krw krky
ko mooaa kaa kai ghar gaavan ||
Someone has died, while there is singing in someone else's house.
ko rovY ko his his pwvnu ]1] rhwau ]
ko rovai ko has has paavan ||1|| rehaao ||
One mourns and bewails, while another laughs with glee. ||1||Pause||
bwl ibvsQw qy ibrDwnw ]
aucwrx ibv`sQw; ibr-Dwnw: 'd'-'D' dI sWJI Avwj
baal bivasathhaa thae biradhhaanaa ||
From childhood to old age,
phuic n mUkw iPir pCuqwnw ]2]
pahuch n mookaa fir pashhuthaanaa ||2||
The mortal does not attain his goals, and he comes to regret in the end. ||2||
iqRhu gux mih vrqY sMswrw ]
thrihu gun mehi varathai sansaaraa ||
The world is under the influence of the three qualities.
nrk surg iPir iPir Aauqwrw ]3]
narak surag fir fir aouthaaraa ||3||
The mortal is reincarnated, again and again, into heaven and hell. ||3||
khu nwnk jo lwieAw nwm ]
kahu naanak jo laaeiaa naam ||
Says Nanak, one who is attached to the Naam, the Name of the Lord,
sPl jnmu qw kw prvwn ]4]24]75]
safal janam thaa kaa paravaan ||4||24||75||
Becomes acceptable, and his life becomes fruitful. ||4||24||75||