Awsw mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw
aasaa mehalaa 5 ||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
qU myrw qrµgu hm mIn qumwry ]
thoo maeraa tharang ham meen thumaarae ||
You are my waves, and I am Your fish.
qU myrw Twkuru hm qyrY duAwry ]1]
thoo maeraa thaakur ham thaerai dhuaarae ||1||
You are my Lord and Master; I wait at Your Door. ||1||
qUµ myrw krqw hau syvku qyrw ]
aucwrx qUµ: ieQy itpI sihq bolo
thoon maeraa karathaa ho saevak thaeraa ||
You are my Creator, and I am Your servant.
srix ghI pRB gunI ghyrw ]1] rhwau ]
saran gehee prabh gunee gehaeraa ||1|| rehaao ||
I have taken to Your Sanctuary, O God, most profound and excellent. ||1||Pause||
qU myrw jIvnu qU AwDwru ]
thoo maeraa jeevan thoo aadhhaar ||
You are my life, You are my Support.
quJih pyiK ibgsY kaulwru ]2]
thujhehi paekh bigasai koulaar ||2||
Beholding You, my heart-lotus blossoms forth. ||2||
qU myrI giq piq qU prvwnu ]
thoo maeree gath path thoo paravaan ||
You are my salvation and honor; You make me acceptable.
qU smrQu mY qyrw qwxu ]3]
thoo samarathh mai thaeraa thaan ||3||
You are All-powerful, You are my strength. ||3||
Anidnu jpau nwm guxqwis ]
anadhin japo naam gunathaas ||
Night and day, I chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the treasure of excellence.
nwnk kI pRB pih Ardwis ]4]23]74]
naanak kee prabh pehi aradhaas ||4||23||74||
This is Nanak's prayer to God. ||4||23||74||