SGGSAng 1090Raag MaruMaru Vaar Mahalla 35 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

sloku mÚ 3 ]

aucwrx sloku mh`lw qIjw

salok ma 3 ||

Shalok, Third Mehl:

hovw pMifqu joqkI vyd pVw muiK cwir ]

hovaa panddith jothakee vaedh parraa mukh chaar ||

I might become a Pandit, a religious scholar, or an astrologer, and recite the four Vedas with my mouth;

nv KMf mDy pUjIAw ApxY cij vIcwir ]

aucwrx m`Dy

nav khandd madhhae poojeeaa apanai chaj veechaar ||

I might be worshipped throughout the nine regions of the earth for my wisdom and thought;

mqu scw AKru Buil jwie caukY iBtY n koie ]

aucwrx mqu: polw bolo; iB`tY

math sachaa akhar bhul jaae choukai bhittai n koe ||

Let me not forget the Word of Truth, that no one can touch my sacred cooking square.

JUTy cauky nwnkw scw eyko soie ]1]

jhoothae choukae naanakaa sachaa eaeko soe ||1||

Such cooking squares are false, O Nanak; only the One Lord is True. ||1||